Destined-The Next Generation of Charmed Wiki
Dark Priest in 1x19
John - Dark Priest
Biographical information
Physical description
Name: Dark Priest
  • Male
  • Performing dark weddings and other dark rituals
Hair color:
  • Unknown
Eye color:
  • Unknown
Skin color:
  • Unknown
  • Alive
Magic and Powers
  • Priest
Basic Powers:
Active Powers:
Inactive Powers:
  • Evil
Portrayed by: John
Seasons: 1
First seen: 1x19 - The L Word
Last seen: 1x19 - The L Word

Dark Priest in 1x19 is a fictional character created by Sol Destined, the virtual spin-off of the CW hit series Charmed.


The L Word

In the Coronation Cave, there was an altar in the center with a red carpet leading to it. Next to it was a Dark Priest. The Dark Priest told the demons in the cave to kneel for to their Source and Queen. The Dark Priest signed to the cave's entrance. Leah, who was wearing a passion red dress, entered in. She walked all the way down to the altar while the demons kneel as she walks passed them.

Powers and Abilities

The Dark Priest in 1x19 most likely has the usual powers a dark priest would have.

Basic Powers

Active Powers

  • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and beings with the power of the mind alone.
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide one's presence and activities from good beings.
  • Mind Manipulation: The ability to manipulate and/or control the minds of others.

Other Powers

  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.
  • Immortality: The ability to possess an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.
  • ImmunityThe ability to be immune to certain magical powers, spells or potions.

Notes & Trivia


  1. Dark Priest (Page) - visit them for more.